A simple wxPython image viewer

For a project I needed to display an image in a GUI. As I have used wxPython in the past, I choose to use it again. Although the toolkit is extremely simple and easy to use, I still needed some time to write this simple image viewer. The problem was, that I expected to be …

Installing the NVIDIA driver for multiple kernels

I know it is totally obvious, but I never tried to figure out how to build the NVIDIA driver for more than one kernel. I always just reinstalled it and assumed it has to be that way. As it turns out I was wrong. With the -k switch you can build the driver for any …

Rebooting via dbus

If you ever wondered how your window manager can shutdown or reboot your computer without asking for a root password, then the most likely answer is dbus. This command will reboot a machine running dbus: dbus-send –print-reply –system –dest=org.freedesktop.Hal \ /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer \ org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement.Reboot You can replace “Reboot” with “Shutdown” to power off the machine completely.

Setting up us_de keyboard layout on Slackware 13.37 and Ubuntu

It’s been some time since I talked about my us_de Keyboard layout (and a long time since I last blogged ;)) so I think it is time to update the installation instructions. You can download the layout here: us_de keyboard layout. To set it up on Slackware do the following: Save the us_de file to …

Firefox middle mouse button on Linux

I noticed that firefox did *something* when clicking the middle mouse button without hovering a link. I finally found out what it did and how to disable it: http://aymanh.com/archives/2006/01/27/firefox-and-middle-click-clipboard-url So setting middlemouse.contentLoadURL to false keeps firefox from trying to load the current clipboard content.

Remapping mouse buttons

Yesterday I got a new mouse. A Logitech G5. Being a nice mouse overall it has a small little flaw: clicking the mouse wheel is not that easy because you can click it in three ways. Down and from left and right. As I frequently use the middle mouse button I was not happy (because …

Mapping postal codes to countries

Every now and again I had the problem of matching postal codes and countries. I often wondered if there is a system to (austrian) postal codes and finally found a table that says how to map a postal code to a country. I encoded it into a simple PHP function – maybe it is useful …

Connecting two monitor to a NVIDIA card without the proprietary driver

For a long time I searched for a way to connect two monitors to an NVIDIA graphic card without using the proprietary nvidia driver (mainly because I wanted to try use OpenBSD and 64bit FreeBSD). Somehow I never read nv’s (the free Xorg driver) man page – until today. And there it is, clear as …

Ken Thompson on Security

I just stumbled on a very good article by Ken Thompson on computer security: Reflections on Trusting Trust In this article Ken shows how easy it is to alter a compiler  to compromise all binaries created with it. Although 24 years old this article is a very interesting read.

us_de Keyboardlayout

The more I used it, the more unhappy I became with the us-intl keyboard layout. Especially all the dead keys (keys that may modify the following key e.g. ” + a to write ä) made typing tiresome. Always typing a space after double quotes is really not suited for programming. I found a good tutorial …