Category «freebsd»

Always compile audacious with dbus

When I compiled audacious without dbus support yesterday I did not know it would break all application options (i.e. entering audacious -f on a shell skips to the next track) . Today I read a bit in the audacious sources and found that it has to be compiled with dbus support in order to work.

k3b on FreeBSD

Today I configured k3b on FreeBSD. The building from ports works fine (although it took almost all morning. But then again k3b depends on most of KDE ;-)). Turns out all I had to do was to enable the ATAPI/CAM Driver: link

Running ion3 on FreeBSD

I just started to try out FreeBSD 7.0 (I am very impressed so far) and ran into huge problems installing my favorite window manager ion3 . Apparently the main developer had some trouble with various distribution maintainers and forbade then to ship ion (link). After some try and error (and a pointer in the right …